App installation

Welcome to SizeMe AI! In very few and simple steps we are going to help you install the application in your ecommerce.


At the moment we have the integrations: HTML, which is done manually with code (requires developer knowledge), Tiendanube, Magento or Shopify.

In case you are interested in us developing the plugin for the platform you use, do not hesitate tosend us an email to

To begin the installation, follow the steps detailed below, depending on the type of integration you want to use.

HTML expand_more

For basic integration you need to first create your brand. Once you do it, come back here and continue with the detailed instructions below. To create the brand go to:

Add the buttons to your product pages.
You will need to locate where the buttons should go, and what SKUs are present on that page. Then you must put a code similar to the following in the place where the buttons would go:

<div id="sizemeai-btns" data-skus="[972214065, "ABCSDEA", "272214122"]"></div>

Note that the SKUs are placed in square brackets, attaching them to the "data-skus" attribute. The SKUs listed above are as an example

Add the script in the footer
For the above to work you have to link a script, which must come after the HTML element described above.

<script src=""></script>

The value "632e3349906d64d2788b9de6" must be modified by your company ID, which you can find on the page "Manage my integration".

Tiendanube expand_more

Installing SizeMe AI in Tiendanube is extremely easy! You just have to install the application from Tiendanube's app store.

Once the installation is complete you will be redirected to our app where you must create your brand.

Magento expand_more

To install our SizeMe AI plugin for Magento you must:

  1. Create your brand in SizeMe AI. If you don't have it, you can create it here:
  2. Download the zip that contains the plugin:
  3. Extract and move the folder to your magento directory. The location within the directory is "app/code" (Where all your plugins are located).
  4. Activate the plugin by running the following commands in your terminal:
  5. php bin/magento module:enable SizeMeAI_Integration

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

    php bin/magento cache:clean

  6. Finally copy your SizeMeAI id into your Magento:
  7. A) Your brand ID can be found at

    B) You must paste it in the Magento administrator panel in: Stores > Configuration > General > SizeMeAI Integration within the "SizeMe AI ID" field

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